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Source Says Hillary Doesn't Think She Could Win In 2004
Thu Nov 07 2002 09:52:53 ET

In opinion polls, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has placed second only to Mr. Gore as the candidate whom Democrats would most support for president, the NEW YORK TIMES reported on Thursday.

But one person close to Senator Clinton said she was adamant about not running in 2004 and that her negative ratings were still too high to venture out now.

Moreover, he said, her values were probably too liberal for the rest of the country. 'We need a candidate who can, without compromising the essence of who we are, reach across the values divide, which is the divide that sunk us yesterday, and I'm not sure she can do that,' this Democrat said. 'I have no doubt she's planning to run in 2008. That's the plan and they'll stick to it, especially if they think 2004 is a loser.'"


Wayback Machine has a few older pages.
Archives linked on OpinionJournal.com.
