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Tue Mar 16 2004 18:18:07 2004 ET
In an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC's HARDBALLl Senator Joe Biden endorses a 'Kerry/McCain' White House ticket.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me ask you. Do you think McCain is seriously - and I mean this professionally - flirting with the idea of accepting a second place on the ticket with John Kerry, and creating a fusion ticket to run against the President.

SEN BIDEN: .....I think that this is time for unity in this country, and maybe it is time to have a guy like John McCain - a Republican - on the ticket with a guy he does like. They do get along. And they don't have fundamental disagreements on major policies.

C: Would you support that ticket ... for President?

B: I would. Yeah. If John Kerry said that's who he wanted, and McCain - I'd encourage McCain to say yes. I doubt whether John would do it. I doubt whether John McCain would do it. But, you know, we need some unity here, man. The red states and the blue states - we got to have something to coalesce around here.


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