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Tue Jan 25 2005 22:03:11 ET

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) took her opposition to Condoleezza Rice to a new front: She has used it in a fundraising pitch to Democratic donors.

The pitch went out Tuesday evening. On behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Boxer referred to Rice?s ?misleading statements leading up to the war in Iraq and beyond,? and implored donors to ?put the brakes on four more years of misdirection in Iraq and reckless policies at home? by helping elect more Democrats next year.

ROLL CALL details the money drive: ?My Democratic colleagues and I will hold the Bush administration accountable for its decisions,? Boxer wrote. ?But we will need your help to hold them accountable in the ultimate public hearing: the next midterm elections in 2006...

?So while I raise my voice on the Senate floor, I hope you will join us on the campaign trail and send the loudest message of all ? one that the Republicans will not be able to ignore ? unseating them in the midterm elections and sending more Democrats to the Senate.?

?So while I raise my voice on the Senate floor, I hope you will join us on the campaign trail and send the loudest message of all ? one that the Republicans will not be able to ignore ? unseating them in the midterm elections and sending more Democrats to the Senate.?


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