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Wed Aug 02 2006 15:51:37 ET

As George W Bush joined the last daily breifing in the WH press room which will undergo a nine month renovation, he spent a moment to take some questions.

At that time, a reporter shouted:

"Mr President, should Mel Gibson be forgiven?"

The President laughed and looked into the audience to see who shouted the remark:

THE PRESIDENT: Is that Sam Donaldson? (Laughter.) Forget it. You're a has-been. We don't have to answer has-been's questions.


Q Mr. President, do you want to say a little about the White House press corps, please?

THE PRESIDENT: Say something about the White House press corps?

Q Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: It's a beautiful bunch of people. (Laughter.)

Q How about your best moment in here, sir? Can you remember your --

THE PRESIDENT: My best moment in here is when my press conference ended. (Laughter.)

Q (Inaudible) -- about Mel Gibson --

THE PRESIDENT: I can't hear you, I'm over 60, just like you.


Q -- Ronald Reagan could get away with that, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: He was over 60, as well. At any rate, as you can tell, I'm thrilled to be here.


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