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Tue Jan 02 2007 18:56:42 ET

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton views Barack Obama as her biggest obstacle to nomination, the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to report on Wednesday, but Clinton believes the threat of his candidacy will diminish as voters learn how inexperienced he is in government and foreign affairs!


Editors have placed a story filed by reporter Adam Nagourney in Page One lead positions, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Clinton has engaged in a series of nearly nonstop political consultations since Election Day, in what her advisers say are preparations for, in all likelihood, announcing her interest in running for president.

Dining recently with three allies in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton was "probing and absorbing, and clearly informed," reports Nagourney. The topic was the Democratic sweep in New Hampshire in November. Hillary wanted to know how did the Democrats managed to unseat the state's two Republican members of Congress, and what were the key issues?

Clinton told Democrats that she viewed her two strongest potential Democratic opponents as Obama and John Edwards, the former senator from North Carolina.


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